bla bla bla app review

bla bla bla app review

Welcome to Techie Tip Tuesday (No. 1).  Techie Tip Tuesday will be a semi-regular  feature here on i ♥ teaching music. In the first edition of Techie Tip Tuesday (which I’m actually posting on Monday cause I’m ahead of schedule for once), I’d like to...
why use the video project page?

why use the video project page?

Have you ever found yourself in this situation?  You go to show your class a neat video you found on YouTube, but you’re concerned about showing all the “other stuff” that might be on the video’s page?  Ads loading before the video...
parts of the recorder

parts of the recorder

You may choose to view the video through this blog post, on YouTube’s website, or by visiting the video’s project page.  Read about the advantages of visiting the video’s project page when showing it to a class . My first video is here! ...
office in a bag

office in a bag

I‘ve been a traveling teacher for 8 years and I can attest that owning a good “teacher” bag is a must.  If you travel from room-to-room in just one building, organizing all your stuff on your cart may be a higher priority.  If you’re like me...